Letters From Balance
Register NOW to receive Letters From Balance and unlock sustainable sacred pockets of time that recharge your batteries and empower you to show up as the woman you want to be without guilt.
Hi Amazing Woman,
I’m Balance, and I think it’s time you and I had an honest conversation.
It’s likely that up until now, our relationship has been a challenging one and that I’ve felt elusive, which is why I’m reaching out. You see, I’m concerned that I’ve been misunderstood and that that misunderstanding leaves you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and like no one is getting the best of you.
I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way, and I’m ready to work together to redefine our relationship so that you can unlock the woman you want to be without feeling selfish and guilty. Together, let's challenge the unrealistic expectations chasing me has created and the feelings they compound of not being enough… because you are more than enough, you amazing woman!
I have to be honest: I’m not the Magician I’ve been made out to be; I can’t magically add more hours to your day (although that would be nice, right?). What I can do is show you that small steps are the biggest ones when it comes to feeling more balanced.
Small steps reduce the overwhelm and help you build the courage and confidence to step into bigger shifts over time. It’s a little like staring at a blank page before you’re about to write; it feels scary, but every word you write on that page is progress and builds on the last, creating the motivation to keep going!
It’s for this reason I want to write you a daily letter for one week to empower you in bite-size pieces to unlock sustainable sacred pockets of time that recharge your batteries and create the confidence to show up as the woman you want to be.
It’s not a luxury for you to flourish, dear one, it’s a necessity, because when a woman flourishes, society flourishes and equally, when a mother flourishes, the whole family flourishes.
It's your time to flourish, my friend!
Register now so that I can send you my first letter, and together let’s unlock balance on your terms in a way that feels sustainable amongst the noise of life.
Warmly yours,
How Letters from Balance Works.
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Feel More Harmony
Simply subscribe and receive a short Letter from Balance.
These will be delivered via email each day for seven (7) days.
Each letter is delivered compassionately and designed to empower you to unlock sustainable sacred pockets of time that recharge your batteries and create the confidence to show up as the woman you want to be.
Balance understands small steps are the biggest ones.
I’m Penny,
The voice behind Balance. I’m also a transformation coach, international speaker, budding psychologist and trauma therapist, published author and psychology researcher on a mission to teach 10 million women how to flourish on their terms by 2025.
I’ve created Letters from Balance off the back of 150+ in-depth interviews with busy, exhausted professional women. I am deeply concerned with the level of unconscious burnout and the longing for balance that felt elusive and continuously presented during these conversations. I feel called to create a simple solution that empowers working women (and mums) to create the space to unlock balance on their terms without burning out. You see, I’ve been there, and I’ve come out the other side into what I can only describe as harmony.
After 20 years in corporate change, I found myself burnt out and unfulfilled. I knew the life I was living was not in alignment with the things that truly mattered to me, and I rarely felt present for my then 3-year-old son. The shift I longed for felt huge and overwhelming, so I made excuses to stay in the familiarity of operating in overdrive. Until one day I looked in the mirror and I didn’t like who I’d become, let alone recognise her.
So, I leaned into my fear of uncertainty and turned my whole life upside down in pursuit of happiness. Within a seven-month period, I left a 16-year career as an executive, relocated my family from Perth back to Melbourne, left an 18-year relationship and started my own purpose-driven company.
Whilst the path forward was unclear, and I didn’t feel ready, stepping into fear delivered opportunities I never imagined possible. Book & TV deals, TED Talks, International speaking gigs, and writing for the Harvard Business Review were by-products of learning to trust my intuition.
Most importantly, I created the freedom to flourish and live each day in alignment with what makes me feel alive.
I now spend my days empowering busy women to feel safe enough to reignite their spark💫 without guilt.
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